How many triangles do you see in this mind bending optical illusion?

How many triangles do you see in this mind bending optical illusion?

Complicated Brain Teaser: When there were no TV-mobiles and so many other means of entertainment in our life, what would people do to pass their time? He used to engage in a variety of activities and as a brain exerciser, he used to solve math and word puzzles. By the way, these riddles are still very popular today and people keep taking test of their intelligence by solving it.

Optical illusions often test your eyesight, but some also test your wits and logic. At this time, such a puzzle is going viral, which is going to shake both your eyes and your mind. There are many triangles in this mind boggling picture. Visually, this puzzle looks very easy, but when you sit down to solve it, you will definitely get tired of counting triangles.

How many triangles are there in the picture?
This brain teaser shared on Reddit is very different. In this, like the pattern of geometry, some horizontal lines have been adjusted in such a way that many triangles are being formed in it. It may seem that this task is difficult, but when you start searching, there are so many triangles here that your mind will be shaken. By the way, you will be able to see 10-12 triangles comfortably, but believe me, their number is much more than this. So please answer carefully.

After all, how many triangles are there in it. (Credit- Reddit)

Number of triangles is more than 20
We know you are busy counting the number of triangles. The hint for you is that there are more than 20 triangles in the picture, apply a little logic to count the number of triangles on one side of the middle line out of the three lines, and then doubling it will give you the answer because it is a mirror image. . If you are still struggling, there are actually a total of 22 triangles in the puzzle. There are 11 triangles on one side of the line and there are total 22 triangles on both sides.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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